This page last changed on Dec 03, 2007 by sewilco.

Binary package installation for Mac, Unix and Windows

How to set up GeoServer with the binary distribution package (-bin version) for Mac, Unix, and Windows platforms.  This is used for manually installing the files and  running GeoServer as a Java program without a wrapper such as Tomcat.

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Getting GeoServer
Select geoserver-** versions.


After downloading the binary distribution, unzip* file to */usr/local (Recommended). The file will expand the files into /usr/local/geoserver.

cd /usr/local
unzip -xvzf geoserver-*

There are two techniques by which the GeoServer binary distribution can be started.   These will run GeoServer as a user program until you stop it (or the computer is restarted).  To have it automatically started see the section Loading GeoServer at boot time.

  • Via an environment variable:
    Open a command console and type:
  • By changing your current working directory
    Open a command console and type:
    cd $GEOSERVER_HOME/bin

Go to http://localhost:8080/geoserver to configure the server.

Loading GeoServer at boot time

Fedora Core & Redhat Linux

Edit a file called /etc/rc.local:

gedit /etc/rc.local

Add this line:

/usr/local/geoserver/bin/ &

Save the changes and exit the editor and type the following to make the script executable:

chmod +x /etc/profile.d/

Now we need to make make those variables immediately available:

source /etc/profile.d/
source /etc/profile.d/


  1. Download the version from the download page on the GeoServer home page
  2. unzip to the directory of your choice
  3. Open up a terminal and go to the unzipped 'geoserver' directory on the command line.
  4. run bin/
  5. Go to http://localhost:8080/geoserver to configure your server

If you're interested in running GeoServer with Tomcat and/or on Max OS X server, see GeoServer-Tomcat-Mac


  1. Download the GeoServer-x.x.x.exe version from the download page on
  2. Follow the steps on the installer.
  3. Select 'start geoserver' from the start menu
  4. Go to http://localhost:8080/geoserver Or use the 'admin geoserver' shortcut from the start menu.

For more information on the data directory head to: Data Directories

Hi -- I am attempting to install Geoserver to a Unix server.  I can get the binaries installed and Geoserver starts -- but it will not allow me to bring it up in a browser @ http://localhost:8080/geoserver.

I've tried changing the port number -- I've modified the permissions all throughout the baseline.  I am stuck.

Furthermore -- the documentation (which is why I'm writing here in the first place) is not helpful at all, especially when one runs into a problem.  There is a feeling based on the documentation that I'm just missing something -- but I don't know what.  The install binaries Unix documentation seem severely incomplete.

I would modify them but I just downloaded this yesterday and know not of what I would be writing.

Posted by jfox at Aug 30, 2007 07:56
Document generated by Confluence on Jan 16, 2008 23:27